(312) 399-2322

Mike pens a monthly career advice column in Corporate Counsel magazine.

Check out his most recent columns in Corporate Counsel (law.com) discussing the availability of legal department talent, the importance of increasingly elusive in-person events and how taking jobs you know you’ll love will help keep your career on course.

If you have any topic ideas you would like to see addressed in a future column, please send ideas and suggestions to [email protected].  

A Time for Opportunistic Hiring  
Consider calling your favorite recruiter and asking for an assessment of available talent. See if there is an opportunity for your law department to make a great hire.

Get to Your Extra-Curriculars: The Importance of Building Your Personal Brand
The pandemic pushed networking online, which is a poor venue for relationship building. Let’s welcome back the many benefits of in-person professional events!

The Hurricane Career Path
The way to keep your career from blowing off course is to stay true to your gut and by taking the jobs you know you will enjoy. Don’t let what you can’t control dictate your next move.

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